About Me

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Alor setar, Kedah, Malaysia
people who do not know me would say that I'm a quiet person. because I do not talk too much,but when i start talking it hard to be quiet =) full of imagination,heh! and I love to get notice!

Tuesday 21 June 2011

nothing to do,

D O M O K U N! i like~

i love all the thing about domo!haha


kekeke~cuti ni best kn bgn tido lewat,erk~best giler!haha..
bgn je dr tido umah kosong?erm,yela awal sgt bgn kkn.haha~adik p sek,parent p keja.so tgl aku sorg jela,kan,kan?

got nothing to do,tp drpd buang masa baek aku bt apa yg patut right?for example tlg ibu iron baju yg berlori tu,kemas umah,masak utk dri sndri,haha~pandai ke?wakaka..its ok,bkn utk org laen ,utk aku jgak..orait ibu,baju yg berlori tu insyaallah angah akan settle kan sblm angah blk kolej nt ok?heh~

jom la,got work to do!

Monday 20 June 2011

Dah masuk sem baru,yeke?

actly,xmsuk lg.skrg tgh cuti sem.ampa sumamesti ingat lama kan?erm,x pn.sat sgt.1mgu jerk~meluat!
tp xpa,i will spend the whole 1week with my sweet+lovely family at all~
nothing much i can say+write about,just bla,bla and blahh..
oke doke,later we'll meet again.cau!

love domo,heh!